Weight-Inclusive, Non-Diet
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Menopause
in Bend, Oregon, California, and Washington

Menopause healthcare is shifting.

We can take care of our health, for now and the future, without relying on rigid diets or plans that might not work for us.

We can respect that many of us hold a complicated relationship with food and body image.

There are many strategies for healthcare that don’t rely on calorie counting or macros tracking.

Let’s take a gentle and compassionate approach.

Providing weight-inclusive, neurodivergent-affirming medical nutrition therapy for the menopause transition.

Address Menopause Health Concerns:

  • Digestion

  • Bone Health

  • Sleep

  • Heart Health

  • High Cholesterol

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Brain Health and Cognition

  • Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders

Our Process


We’ll begin with intake forms. In our first meetings, we’ll discuss health history and our findings from your menopausal symptom questionnaire.

We’ll review your food and medical history, relationship with food and body image, and menopausal symptoms and concerns.

🌙Supplement Assessment

Many of us take supplements without having the chance to look them over with a trained provider.

Let’s look at the research together and assess your need for supplements.

Melinda does not partner with or participate in supplement affiliate/referral programs.

🌙Regular Eating

For many clients, a foundational approach to working together is focusing on consistent, regular eating, especially during the daytime. While finding this groove looks a little different for everyone, eating regularly is a principle of our work.


With you in the pilot seat, we’ll co-create a plan for menopausal wellness. 

In addition to nutrition, we’ll check in on movement, mental health, stress, sleep, and fun.

We can create a plan for labwork that won’t stress you out.

I’m happy to offer referrals to specialized practitioners through my trusted referral network.

Next Steps,
Let’s Connect!

Book a short call and fill out an Introductory Questionnaire at the button below.

Click HERE for more information about insurance accepted and cash pay rates.